Friday, February 1, 2008

Sesame street... zero hair


Aria did not sleep well last night! She got up about 3 times by 2:00 am (having gone to bed at about 11:30 pm) she woke up the last time crying HARD. I really think her teeth are hurting her. She is drooling this week, and she doesn’t ordinarily drool. So, I gave her Tylenol and some baby oragel, and rocked her to sleep. She fell asleep, but as soon as I set her down, she would cry one of those cries where she doesn’t take a breath for what seems like 5 minutes and then wails. So, she ended up in bed with me ;-) She STILL cried when she was in bed with me. She never does that. I think it had to be her teeth hurting.

Fast forward to 9 am…she is happy, watching Sesame street. Today’s episode is all about hair. Aria is watching it and wondering what this thing called hair is… The number of the day is zero. Put the two together and it’s zero hair…very fitting.

Today in her walker, she dropped the ball she was playing with, and she raced to get it in front of her. The ball was rolling in front of her and was being pushed by the walker. She kept cruising forward with her arms stretched out as far as she could reach forward, thinking if she kept going, she’d be able to get the ball. Poor baby! ;-)

She has started grabbing things off the coffee table and the cd rack and anything she can reach from her walker. I set up a bunch of toys so she can grab toys instead of the remote (her second fav toy after the water bottle).

I’m writing this blog as the day progresses. It’s about 4:20 and Aria just puked for the 1st time. She yak-ed really loud and puked up her sweet potatoes! Then she smiled really big… I guess puking is fun. She seems fine. This has never happened before…. Odd.

Now she’s playing with the dog and the remote.

All day today she’s been smacking her lips together and then opening her mouth really big. I don’t know if she’s trying to say mama since I have been trying to teach her how to say mama (and I exaggerate it when I say “say Maaa Maaaa) OR if she’s making a kissing sound. Or… if she’s just experimenting with sounds. It’s a new thing she’s doing, but she’s been doing it all day.

Gramma came to babysit while I taught violin lessons. Aria fell asleep about ½ hour before she got there. As soon as I played an A on my violin, she was crying… oh dear. She stopped smacking her lips and opening her mouth as soon as Gramma got there, but continued after she left. I tried to get her to do it so Gramma could see. Lil stinker! I now believe she is doing kissing sounds. She started back up when I kissed her from across the room. Then she continued doing it until she fell asleep. Funny baby!

I tried to get her down early today, at 9:30, but she didn’t fall asleep until 11:00. BABY!