Monday, February 11, 2008

Mama's not feeling so well


Well, this weekend the whole house is sick, except Zig ;-) I caught the flu. Next year I’m getting the flu shot, because this is awful! I can’t take any medicine because I’m nursing. Well, except for Tylenol, which isn’t helping. I need some good ol’ Dayquil! I thought I was going to escape this sickness, but no such luck. My mom even took Aria for awhile on Sunday so I could get some sleep. I slept better in that 4 hours than I have in 7.5 months ;-) Aria had lots of fun with Gramma and Grampa, though!

Aria did pretty well sleeping last night. She did get up about 5 times, but 4 of the 5 times she went back to sleep without me even getting up. She wasn’t crying hard, just a little bit, and in her sleep. She did end up in bed with me, but it wasn’t until morning.

Aria keeps trying to get out the doggie door with her walker. Good luck with that! We’ve been having conversations all morning. She’s really chatty today! She looks at me and babbles and has a look on her face like she knows what she is saying.

She took great naps today. Probably because she’s still fighting that ear infection. She’s taking her antibiotics better now. I was afraid it was going to be a very long 10 days!

Aria almost crawled today! I wasn’t expecting it because she’s shown no sign of doing it, or any interest in doing it. She got up on all fours and rocked, and then she moved her legs in a crawl, and one arm in a crawl, but the other arm she’d roll over onto – and then lay on her side. SO close! She did that several times, but each time would end by rolling. She did crawl backwards without rolling. Does that count? ;-)

She went to sleep at 9:00 tonight. I’m going to try to get her down by 9 every night. I read her the Teddy Bear book every night, and I’m hoping she’ll start to associate that with going to sleep. She loves that book!

Well, good night everyone!


Anonymous said...

I'm sorry you're feeling lousy.

Crawling? YAY!

"We’ve been having conversations all morning. She’s really chatty today! She looks at me and babbles and has a look on her face like she knows what she is saying." she DOES! And she understand every word you say too! KEEP TALKING TO HER! Talk to her just like you would an adult (tell Matty too but tell him to ixnay on a few words - lol)! It's SOO good for her communication skills.