Monday, June 15, 2009

More funnies

When Aria was born, and my brother came to visit, he said something along the lines of "I bet you can't wait until she is this age" and pointed to Sydney, who was 2 at the time. I remember thinking he was crazy - how could anything be better than having a newborn! NOW I know what he was saying. Two is a fun age bc they are so darn FUNNY!! Don't get me wrong... I LOVE having a newborn, too, and am remembering why I loved having a newborn.

Anyway... here are some Aria funnies ;-)

We taught her that Aunt Ruth Ann lives in Arizona. She calls it "Ari-Sonia". I love it! (my sister is Sonia)

Aria talks to Chanson and says "hi" or "I love you baby Chanson" or whatever. So I started using a super high squeaky voice and pretending like he answers and says "Hi" or "I love you"back. Now she pretends Chanson is talking to me, and uses the same squeaky voice. Cracks me up!

When I wave at someone while I'm driving (to say SORRY ;-) or Thank you) Aria thinks I'm waving at her, so she always says "HI Mama!". I'm smiling as I write this, and it makes me laugh every time.

Aria was sick last week. ;-( poor baby had a high temp that wouldn't go away even with Motrin and Tylenol. I called the doctor to talk to her about it, and when I hung up the phone, Aria asked who it was. I told her "I was talking to the doctor bc you are so hot. She said "Mama, I'm not hot. I'm COLD". Poor baby was cold from her fever.

We were driving home from Church on Sunday, and we passed a field full of cows. Aria says in a very excited voice "LOOK!! Cows! ... and more cows! ... and dinosaurs! and Lions!" getting more and more excited with each one. Did y'all know there are dinosuars and lions in Texas? AND they are friendly with the cows around here.

It's been VERY hot here in TX, and the other day we went to Sonic to get an ice cream cone. Aria had her 1st ice cream cone when Ahna and Papa were here, and it was so cute to watch her eat it. I guess that sounds funny, but, I can't help it ;-) Anyway... we ordered an ice cream cone and an empty cup. Aria was squealing and putting her hands up in the air and saying "I'm so excited!! Empty cup!" over and over. I thought she didn't realize that an empty cup was just that. An empty cup. But, when she got it, she was still really excited. Then... the next day, she was on the phone with Mina and was telling her about what she'd done the night before, and what she told her about was the "empty cup". Too funny - never knew an empty cup could be so exciting!

Aria has her 2 year doc appt soon, and I'm looking forward to seeing (in inches) how tall she's gotten (I can't keep her still enough to do this myself ;-) Just today, I had poured her a glass of milk and set it on the counter. She reached right up there, took the milk down, and started to drink it. I never thought she could reach up there to get it... it wasn't even on the edge. She didn't spill either ;-)

Oh this is one of my favorites! And it's an explanation to one of the pics above. This is the furrowed brow face I've been telling you about. Well, she wanted Matthew to do something, and Matthew said to her "I need to eat, Baby". She got the furrowed brow face (which is also her "whatcha talkin about, Willis" face) and asked me "Daddy's going to eat the baby!?" Oh my gosh I cracked up!! She thought he'd said he needed to eat (no comma) baby.

To explain the 2nd picture above... Aria wanted to take a shower, so we let her ;-) she had a BLAST! Can you tell? We were right there to assist if she needed it, but she was loving it!

The 3rd picture above is how we've been sleeping the last 3 nights... all together! Our AC is broken upstairs. We are praying (hard!) that this doesn't mess up Aria's wonderful sleeping habits. She hasn't slept in our bed since her baby whisperer sleep training several months ago. I have to admit, though, that I am loving the cuddle time. I confess, I confess.

The 4th picture.... Matthew made us all dinner tonight while I worked out. When I was done working out and showering and came out into the kitchen, Matthew showed me this pic. I guess she was playing with the water in a bowl, and so he filled the sink with water for her to play with as he cooked. THEN she wanted to go in... so he let her. It kept her occupied, that is for sure. She loved it ;-)

Lastly about Aria... she took a 4 hr nap today. WOW!

OK, so I need to upload some pics of Chanson! I'll do that soon, and post some more. He just looks so much like both Grampa H's! He is still a sweet boy, and just so content almost all of the time. His sleeping has been great some nights, and not so great others. The good thing is that the earliest he gets up is 4ish, but goes back to sleep with the paci. The bad thing is that he is restless from about 4-6 and needs his paci often. I'm hoping this is just a short phase! I liked him to sleep until 6! Let's go back to that, why don't we? Good idea! ;-)

He rolled over a bunch of times with my mom the other day. I saw him, but was in the other room. He hasn't done it since then, though, so we'll see if he does it more soon. I'll keep you updated, my loyal readers ;-) hehe!

I am just so curious to see what color his hair will turn out to be! It is fire engine red around the base of his head, but on the top it is growing in blonde. Aria's hair was almost black when she was born, and it stayed dark around the base of her head for a long time. They have the same grampa hairdo ;-) hehe! Just different colors.

Chanson is a BIG smiler! And his smile is so big, it turns into a laugh. I love it! Can't get enough of it! When he smiles I always tell Aria he's smiling at her bc he loves her so much. She smiles so big, and just beams! She loves her brother, that is for sure!

Wow this is the longest blog ever!

Oh, but had to include a video. ;-)


Shopoff Family said...

This is hilarious! I love the video!


Kat, the Mom said...

ok, the stories I literally laughed out loud at... "and dinosaurs & lions!" ... and "daddy's going to eat the baby!!??"" HAHAH!!! love it

Quin's momma said...

She is too too funny! I absolutely love the shower pic. It made me laugh aloud!