Thursday, June 18, 2009

Due Date ;-)

Check out the cutest toes in ALL the world! ;-) AND sparkly shoes that are sandals, too. What more can a girl ask for??
You might start to wonder if my children are ever dressed... yes they are ;-) but not lately. Either the upstairs or downstairs AC has been broken. Today, it's the downstairs... ugh.

As you can probably guess from the title of this blog.... today was my due date 2 years ago. Ahhh memories! Can you tell I'm already getting nostalgic? Wait another 3 days... is she REALLY going to be two?? Really??

OK, so a few funnies. I should just do daily funnies so my blogs aren't so long.... bc Aria cracks me up constantly, and I really want to have it all written down. Since I don't keep a baby book... this blog is it ;-) I always said when Christina was a baby that I was going to write down all the millions of funny things she did, and I never did. When it's happening I think that I couldn't ever possibly forget this! But... then I do. I think I need a notebook for each area of my life, so that when I'm in a home with Alzheimers, I can read them ;-) Sometimes (well, always) I feel pre-Alzheimers. I guess you call that Baby Brain.

The other day at LTF, I'd gotten Aria some of those "healthy" puffs (like cheetos). She was eating them from the bag, and I reached over and ate one. She got her furrowed brow face and said "mama! spit it out!" and put her hand under my mouth so I could. I guess I was supposed to ask first... ;-)

Lately, when she wants to go somewhere or wants something really bad, she says "c'MON people". She says it very emphatically with hand gestures, and it cracks me up. She sounds like a comedian when she does it.

In the middle of the night 2 nights ago (the last slumber party before the AC upstairs got fixed) she woke up a BAZILLION times. One of the times she woke up, she sat up straight and said (loudly) "Mama! Where's Uncle Chris?" My answer? SLEEPING, baby! Another hour or so went by, and the same thing happened, only she asked where Uncle Adam was. I guess she was having uncle withdrawal.

Yesterday, MiaJenn & Chris came over and gave Aria her birthday present bc they are going to be out of town this weekend for her party (sob sob sob!) Aria opened up a whole set of kitchen utensils, and pots and pans (and even her own spatula!!), and cups, and plates. She LOVES it. They stayed for a few hrs, and as they were about to walk out the door, Aria said "thank you for the present" and then as they were walking out the door she said "thank you for the cake". I thought that was really sweet bc she'd opened the present right away when they got there, but still remembered to say Thank You before they left. I was a proud mama ;-) What a sweet girl.

OH I think I forgot to tell you, when I went back to blonde, I came home and Aria gasped and said "MAMA! You're a princess!"
Yesterday morning, Aria had woken up Chanson as he was laying there, and he started to fuss. She went into Mama mode and started saying ohhhh, baby. Then she tried to get him to take the paci, and no luck. She tried a few times, and was very gentle. Then she looked at me and said "Eat the boobie, I think. Here ya go Mama". I thought it was sweet she was trying to figure out what he needed. Actually, maybe she just wanted him to be quiet ;-)

She traces her magnet letters on her color board with markers. I thought that was pretty neat. She's getting more coordinated all the time. Did I tell you (OK here I am forgetting twice, see what I mean about the memory?!) that she drew a picture for Mina and we asked what it was, and she looked at us like... DUH! and said "it's Lines". True true - the whole page was covered with different colored lines. She did the same thing once when she drew a page full of circles. We asked what it was, and again... DUH "it's circles" she says.

She has been saying things lately that we have NO idea where it comes from. Today we were eating breakfast, and she said "daddy plays baseball". Just a matter of fact like that. First of all, I don't know how she knows what baseball even is, and second of all, she's never seen (or heard that I know of) that Matthew plays baseball. THEN she went into this in depth (we understood half of it) rambling about how baseball is played. "the guys are all together, and they hit the ball like this" (and she does sort of a swat) and on and on.
OK gotta run! Time flies when you're blogging and I have to teach a lesson in 5 mins, and still have to get dressed! (I mean change.... I AM wearing clothes, even if my kids aren't)


Quin's momma said...

Love, love, love the toenails. You know it did my heart good to see those painted little pigs. I also totally dig her sandals. Quinlynne would be so jealous of them! Quite the lucky little girl!

Kat, the Mom said...

great stories! :) I love the c'Mon people! ;)