Wednesday, March 18, 2009

Baby update

I had a doc appt today, and the baby is now (by ultrasound prediction...) 7 lbs 8 ozs. Aria was 7 lbs 13 oz at 40.5 weeks and I'm just about 38 weeks now, so this baby will be a little bigger than Aria (unless I go into labor this week ;-), but still a good size! YAY!

Aria was good as gold during the ultrasound. She really liked to watch the screen and see the baby (she was probably thinking... huh?? You call THAT a baby??) She also had goldfish (crackers) to eat ;-)

I am still 3 cms, and the doc said he is surprised I haven't gone into labor yet. That puts me even more on guard... every day wondering if this is the day! But we are pretty ready, besides getting the baby room done ;-)

They are so sweet to Aria at the doctor. They really cater to her, and I just think it is so considerate of them. They never act like she is a nuisance, but instead, they play with her (all the nurses and the doctor) and involve her in the whole process. When we went to leave today, Aria did her scowl face (which she does often ;-) and pointed to the ground and said "stay HERE!" bc she didn't want to leave. One of the nurses noticed that Aria was pulling at her ear, and went to get the doc (after he'd already left the room) to see if he could check out her ear. He came back and was concerned, and took a look. Seriously, how sweet is that?? I just love them!

I forgot to mention another little Aria story yesterday... lately when she breaks something in half, or rips a paper in half, or sees something that is broken in half she says "in half". She has been doing this a lot over the last week. I think she learned about that on Sesame Street ;-)

If you haven't voted on the baby pool, click on the below and enter your guess ;-)


Kat, the Mom said...

I read & enjoyed this! :) LOVE YOU ARIA!

~Aunt Kat

Anonymous said...

So you still thinking Saturday the 21st, or sooner?? ;-)

Allegra said...

How exciting! I look forward to hearing all of your labor adventures!

Jenn said...

Hurry new baby, hurry! ;)
Aria you are the cutest! We miss y'all. Miajenn =)