I was thinking after I posted about Matthew and his obsession with Project Runway (and his subsequent therapy sessions…) I realized that most of the people that are reading this blog don’t know Matthew! So I thought I’d dedicate a post just about him.
The reason that it is so funny that he likes Project Runway… Matthew is a t-shirt and jeans kind of guy (I have no complaints… he looks great in a t-shirt and jeans… oh la la!). He could care less about fashion or what the population believes is fashionable. In fact, he goes against the fashion grain. Take his work uniform. He has to wear an all black uniform. But… no one can dictate what his socks look like. He has thrown away all of his white socks. He wears bright red, bright yellow, bright blue, bright (florescent) green. Also, nothing is fashionable if it is over $20. Is my PR post making more sense to you all ;-)
Just so you know, Matthew will laugh at this post, and it is meant in all fun!
Since this blog is about Aria, and not Matthew’s socks or fashion sense… I thought I’d add some of my favorite Daddy and Aria stories.
Aria got a cute little bunny from her Ahna and Papa in the mail. Daddy took the bunny and moved it like it was dancing and started singing “little bunny foo foo running through the forest, scooping up the field mice (here he makes the bunny make a scooping motion) and bopping them on the head (here he bops Aria in the head)” There is another part of the song, and Matthew knows all the words. It cracked me up that he knew all the words to this song. Both Aria and mama got a good laugh from that one. Every time she plays with that bunny I think of that and laugh.
As you can imagine, Matthew is thrilled that Aria says “hi da da” to him. You should see his face whenever she says it! I had to laugh when he said “so, it’s official that her first word is da da, and her second word was mama, right?” We agreed, but still think she said "yellow" when she was 2 months old (we don't really, but it's a funny story... Click here and look for the October 24th post to see the story)
This is everyone’s favorite Daddy and Aria trick:
Matthew has gotten Aria so used to loud and sudden sounds, that she is now afraid of nothing. He’s done this since she was born, and I always think she’s going to cry, but she doesn’t. She actually smiles! He says in a low, loud voice “hey” when she’s not expecting it or he bangs his hand on the table really hard (aka Grampa Orengia ;-) Zig (our dog..), on the other hand, thinks he’s in trouble every time he does this (poor Zig!). It has never phased Aria.
Now take a look at how much they look alike…
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