Hello again! So soon since the last time we spoke! :-)
So, a few more things on the kiddos...
Today at breakfast I gave Chanson the spoon, and walked away. I came back, and he didn't have the spoon, so I asked him "where is the spoon?" He looked around on his high chair seat, and picked up the spoon, and handed to me. Does he know what I'm saying at this age?? I remember thinking that about Aria, too. As a baby we had so many one way conversations. I was always talking to her, as though she knew what I was saying and as though she would really answer... even though I knew she wouldn't. When she started to comprehend, I remember being surprised, too.
Today it's 75 and sunny. I love TX winter!!!!! Can't express that enough! Anyway, we were outside swinging, and I was telling Aria the story of the 3 bears. She said she wished she was there so she could try the porridge and the beds. Then she told me she also wished she was in Hollywood. OK... so I asked why? She told me because there are "lots of people to hug with". Made me laugh!
The other day, I did the worst Mama accident ever. Aria and I were walking out into the garage. I hadn't turned the light on bc I was going to open the garage door. So, Aria walks into the garage, and I walk in after her and slam the door shut. Aria instantly starts screaming but I think it is bc it's pitch black in there. So I'm reassuring her that I'm opening the garage now, and it will be light again. I open the garage door, and look over (bc she is still screaming!) and her FINGER was stuck in the door. I opened the door as fast as I could. I was so scared that I broke her little finger, and that her violin career was over. But, it didn't break the skin (there was padding on the door between the door and the wall). Later that night we pulled into the garage, and I told her daddy was home. She ran out of the van yelling "DADDY, Mama slammed my finger in the door today on purpose!" What on Earth!? Reminded me of a time when she told my dad "my daddy hurts me". WHAT?? We're going to have the CPS come over one of these days wondering what is up with us!
Aria has announced that she has 3 babies in her belly and they are all kicking around. I asked what she was going to name them, and she told me they would be called Chanson, Cockachoo, and Ringo. :-)
When I am practicing my violin, Aria started coming into the room, saying "I love you, Mama" and then running over, giving me a kiss and hug. She then gets a very serious look on her face, takes a perfect bow, and says "Thank you" and runs out of the room. Then she runs back in and says "mama! You forgot your cockachoo earrings!" and runs out again. The next time I hear from her, she starts the whole thing over again.
The other day, she took may (non Iphone) phone and asked if she could see the pictures. I opened the pictures section and gave her my phone. She started sliding her finger across the screen trying to get to the next picture. She told me my phone doesn't work. I had to break the news that I do not have an iphone. That kid - 2 and already into technology!
OH I forgot to tell you all about her first manicure. She had SO much fun! We took Emily to get a manicure for her birthday, and I asked them if they could paint her nails. Well, they filed her nails, put the cream on her cuticles, etc. She picked her toe nail color and finger nail color (blue and silver) and they painted her nails AND painted a flower on her thumbs and big toes. Such a sweet lady to take the time to make Aria feel so special! (She did a good job on Emily's nails, too.... Wyatt Urple Purple)
I always forget all the little things I was going to say once I get on here... so I'll be back with more once I remember!
I guess I've spoiled her with the iPhone! haha! I love Wyatt Urple Purple! :)
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