Saturday, March 8, 2008

Two new teeth!

Aria has about 6 new teeth coming in, but the top two have finally popped through! Maybe that means she'll sleep all night tonight ;-)

Aria watched the Godfather on Friday. She actually enjoyed it, and kept laughing and bouncing up and down. I think she liked Connie's wedding music. It's the Italian in her ;-) She fell asleep before it got gory.

Today as I left her in the nursery at Church, she said "ciao" hmm.... ;-)

Tomorrow, we're going to meet the Easter Bunny, and Aria is going to wear her Easter dress. I'm very excited!


Anonymous said...

Aria is saying ciao already, great job! 6 teeth huh? Wow! Did she already have any? Tessa has her 2 bottom ones, the top 2 just popped through, and I think the canines are on their way. Poor babies :(

miamore said...

Michelle! Hi! :-)

She didn't really say Ciao ;-)

I'm going to write you an e mail!

Allegra said...

Satya is definitely feeling some teeth these days. I can't really feel anything new in her mouth, but who am I to judge? I'm not the one with them growing in my mouth! The drool is unbelievable! Hope you're well!