Tuesday, September 1, 2009

Potty Trained!

I have soooo much to write, but have barely been on my computer over the last month. I will write a big long blog soon (I know... you will all wait with bated breath!)


I had to share! Aria is officially 100% potty trained! Woo hoo! And... thank you Sydney ;-) (I'll write more about that in the long blog ;-)

She's gone over 2 weeks now with very few accidents. We had one evening with lots of accidents, and since then, an occasional one here and there. Over the last week, though, she's only had 1 accident, and is diaper-free even at night and during naps!


she may have several cavities from all the treats she's getting. When does one stop giving treats to their little angles for going on the potty? Should I still be giving myself treats? Oh yeah, I get treats when she goes ... ;-) Potty training is fun!


Jenn said...

Yay!! How exciting! Smart Mommy to have a treat with Aria, what a great example ;)
I LOVE the new pic of Aria- beautiful!! =)
Miss you guys!

Kate said...

Oh my gosh! Congratulations! That picture is priceless, don't you ever lose it. How did you know when to start letting her go w/o diaper at night?

Kat, the Mom said...

YAY Aria! SO Proud of you!!! What a BIG Girl!!