Monday, October 6, 2008

Long overdue!

Hey! I haven't written here in almost a month! Bad Mama! Aria has been just being her fun little self. She keeps me laughing always! She hasn't felt good the last 2 weeks, poor baby. She didn't feel well for a few days after her 15 month appt, and then the week after that she got sick (which is right now). We've had lots of sleepless nights dealing with molars (she has gotten all 4 now - 4th one is still making it's way all the way through) and sickness. Poor baby.

During the day, even though she is sick, she is still in a good mood, and cracks us all up all the time. She still constantly babbles all day, and you just know she knows what she is saying. The last few days, sentences have started to come through the babbling. I can't remember some of them, but yesterday she said, in the midst of babbling "I did it". Then she said it a few more times after that. She said 2 other sentences this weekend, and I can't remember what they are! (baby brain for sure!) I am feeling like her babbling is going to slowly become clear, like her speech is blurry, and coming into focus. I think I mentioned before that she points at things and asks "what's that?" constantly. Curious little girl!

She is now off the bottle and the paci! I thought the bottle would be hard bc she used to fall asleep with one, but she gave that up all on her own (aka - done with bottle, and still not asleep ;-). So, we just switched over to sippy cups during the day and good bye bottle! I just call the sippy cups "bottles".

She is doing more animal motions... like octopus (waving arms around), and crocodile (says chomp chomp and claps her hands together like an alligator chomping). She does the fish better (can suck in her cheeks) and then she kisses me when she does it (I love that!). She does more sounds, too, but I can't remember where I left off with that the last time.

She still does sign language, and says a lot of the words she signs at the same time (like "more" "help" "go" "stop"). She learned to say "again" in sign language (she was using "more" for that before). She also does the whole I love you in sign language (she used to do the Love part only) and we love that of course! I was whispering I love you the other night while rocking her to sleep, and she looked up at me and said it back... or so I thought! My heart skipped a beat, I think! Then I realized... she was doing the same thing with her mouth that I was. I was saying it very softly, and so she was just copying my lip movements. Too funny!

She knows more face parts now... chin and cheeks ;-) I guess that is all the face parts left ;-) oh wait, I still have to teach her eye lashes. Daddy started to teach her the names of her bones... too funny! She is the only 1 year old who knows where their ascipital bone is. I am sure I spelled that entirely wrong and I don't even know what it is, but Aria does. (she doesn't really, but her daddy is trying to teach her). She puts up her 1st metacarpal up when you ask how old she is, though. ;-)

She loves to pluck the strings on my violin, and she does it gently. She still likes me to hold up her violin to her chin and she likes to do the bow. I can't wait to get her a real one! Not too long now.

Let's see what else... she is testing us like crazy! The doctor says to rest assured that the testing is a developmental milestone. I am not resting assured ;-) She is a little buggar sometimes! But, I guess they need to go through this, and I hear it just gets worse... oh dear! Here we come, terrible twos! But, she makes me laugh a million more times than she tests me, so it all comes out in the end ;-)

Things she loves most right now are playing outside, bubbles, coloring (with crayons), reading books, wrestling with daddy (big huge favorite! She has NO FEAR! I will post a video), climbing all over things and getting into trouble. She also loves Grampa day (Thursdays and Fridays). They have so much fun - she absolutely adores him! She also loves Gramma nights (Tues and Thurs) and I hear her laughing out loud as I am teaching. She has so much fun!!!

Things she does that crack me up...

She takes anything that even resembles make up and pretends to put make up on. She has been doing this with lipstick and blush for awhile, but just added mascara this week. What a girl! She also takes lotion containers and puts her first finger and thumb together (at the tips) and then taps it on the end of the lotion, and then taps it gently on my cheek (or whoever she is applying it to) on both sides. I don't know where she got this from!

She drinks the remaining milk right out of the bowl after she eats her cereal.

She does this funny dance where she turns her head to the side and puts her shoulder up, over and over.

She takes her stuffed animals and swings them in her swing like they are her babies

I keep telling myself that I need to write the little things she does that make me laugh (or even smile) so I can keep the list and look back later. I am going to start to do that starting THIS week! Then i can give you all a bigger list of funny Aria-isms. Those are the best things about her! I love you, Aria!!

PS when I started this blog, I didn't think I had much to say ;-) haha!


Jenn said...

Aria is so smart & cute! We are so blessed with your friendship & I'm so happy Mia has a great friend in Aria too ;) It is so fun seeing Aria "grow-up"! =) I love all her tricks too.

Kat, the Mom said...

these things are all great! i could comment on each & every one, but there's so much! i love the swings her animals thing, adorable! cant wait to see you next week! :)

Quin's momma said...

Tha video is just too adorable! She definitely knows what she likes!