Wednesday, November 7, 2007

I love Aria

Aria and I had a great day today! She was very good, but didn't take a nap but for 30 mins... she did a lot of playing and laughing and smiling!

****************See below for blogs from *************************

Saturday, October 13, 2007

National No Nap Day

Well, we had a FUN day today! Started out sweeping the floors... then taught a violin lesson to a new student. He's never had a lesson before, and I couldn't believe it! He plays in tune, he has a straight bow, he holds his violin AND bow correctly... I have no idea how he learned that all on his own. He also has a great ear... I was pretty amazed. But that has nothing to do with Aria... so back to the main topic :-)

After the lesson, my mom and I and Aria went to Kid to Kid to find a white onesie that would go with a skirt... just white, no colors or flowers or anything, and one that didn't look like a t-shirt, so she could wear it with a skirt... We went to TWO kid-to-kids and neither had one. I was also looking for a red onesie, dark blue onesie, and a black onesie. I found the black one, but that is all. Aria says she feels like pepto bismal wearing all that pink all the time.

We then went to Starbucks since Aria was hungry, and I wanted a coffee (oh and a pumpkin scone... yum!) and then went to the store to get a card for the wedding later that afternoon.

Then we went to a wedding that was held at La Hacienda Ranch. It was very small and very nice. It was the first wedding Aria has ever been to! Then we went to Church, then I went and got Zig (my doggy) at my parents house, and then we went home. Aria cried the entire way to my parents house and back home from their house. She hates her carseat... still!

Aria took ZERO naps today. None, nada... It's now 8:43 pm and she is still awake watching her rainforest music thing that is in her pack n play. She is wearing PJs with kittens on the feet, and she loves them because she loves to play with the kitties. She's so cute!

I think more of her hair fell out today....

;-) Mia & Aria

Wednesday, October 10, 2007


Here is a very miscellaneous post about Aria!

Aria is 16 weeks today! I can't believe it's been 16 weeks since she was born!

Not much is new this week with Aria.... besides that now she has decided she doesn't want to sleep during the day OR the night ;-) It's 11:06 pm right now and she JUST fell asleep. Maybe I'll get more than 3 hrs of sleep in a row tonight!! WOO HOO!!

She also decided that she does NOT like her jumperoo. She cried LOUD when I put her in it today... but tomorrow may very well be a different story! She loved her upright swing today, but instead of looking at the toys hanging in front of her, she craned her neck to the side to see the animals on either side of her.

She still loves her feet. I've wondered if her feet are going to end up like her dad's, or like mine. I have great toes, I must say so myself... and I JUST noticed today that she definitely has my pinky toe. I'm not sure on all the rest, but our pinky toes are a matching set ;-)

Her hair... still losing it. She has a ring all the way around her head (sides to back) that is balding from her rubbing her head back and forth on her pack n play (yes... she is still sleeping in her pack n play...). She's also losing it on the top of her head... so she and my dad have matching hair dos. ;-)

She saw a turtle for the 1st time today. We went on a walk with our friend, Molly, around the little lake in McKinney, and there was a big turtle right in the middle of the trail. Head poked out and everything ;-) Aria LOVES to be outside. She looked all around at the trees and the ducks and swans. It's amazing to think that it's the first time she's ever seen a duck or a swan... although I don't think she really even looked at the turtle... she was more interested in the trees ;-)

Aria got a letter in the mail from her cousin, Christina. She wrote the letter herself, and addressed the envelope. How sweet is that?

Well, I better jump in bed now that Aria is asleep! Send us some sleep dust for a good night's sleep!

Now that she can get her hands into her mouth, and keep them there, they've been in her mouth constantly. I keep trying to replace the hand with her nuk... but it's hard sometimes! I think she has super-human-baby-strength...

Wednesday, October 03, 2007

Aria Update

Well, since I have only blogged on here that we don't really make over $250,000 a year, I thought I should actually update you all on the exciting life of Aria Faith!

She is 3 months old, and cute as ever. She loves to check out her feet. She is constantly grabbing for them, and holding on to them. If she's not doing that, she's looking at them as she wiggles her feet in front of herself.

She does really well during the day when I work. She takes REALLY long naps during the day, and when she gets up, she eats, and then we play for a bit until the next naptime. I work at my parent's house, so my dad is there to help out. She LOVES her grampy.

We also spend a lot of time with Grammy Ginny. We have lots of fun playing with Grammy!

Her daddy is the best daddy in the whole wide world. Seriously. And she adores him. He is really great with her, and I think she has him wrapped around that tiny little finger of hers ;-)

Games we play... she loves to play with her flowers. They light up and play music. In order to keep the music going, she has to push the flowers. She loves to do this with both her feet and hands. She also loves to sit on her play gym and look at the toys dangling down. She didn't like it so much as a newborn, but now, she grabs at the toys and pulls them. She really loves to kick too. She seriously loves her feet.

She LOVES to be outside. When she is crying, all you have to do is take her outside, and she is happy. She likes to feel the breeze and she loves to watch her doggy run around in the yard. She also likes to swing on the swingset. Well, I swing, and she sits in my lap :-)

She is getting more and more observant by the second. She loves to check everything out.

Well, I'll write more later ;-)

Mia & Aria


Michael Kupka said...

When babies take cat naps, it can be a challage for the rest of the day. wow they can get cranky. but if you keep them up really really late, they will sleep all night. hang in there :)
