So, it seems we have a lil' New Yawk-uh. Aria always leaves off the "r" sound at the ends of words. My favorite one is Peanut Bud-ah. Whenever she asks for it, I ask her to repeat herself several times (for my entertainment). It makes me laugh ;-) She had just been asking for peanut butter directly before taking the above video... but I end up having to ask her to say peanut butter bc, of course, as soon as I start taping, she decides she only wants peanuts, not peanut butter. Was the word (words...) peanut butter mentioned enough times in this paragraph??
It's been awhile... so I have quite a few stories.... so make some popcorn and enjoy ;-)
Well, it seems Aria is a bit curious about Uncle Chris and Emily. Emily came to babysit Aria on a day Aria didn't (wouldn't) take a nap (one of those days that she fell asleep in the car, and felt that the all of 10 mins of slumber in the car was a sufficient nap. I disagree... so did Emily as she saw the non-nap monster appear later in the day, but we won't talk about that ;-) Anyway, Emily told Aria that she liked to take naps, to which Aria asks "do you like to take naps with Uncle Chris?" hmmm..... so, Emily?
Speaking of Uncle Chris... Emily, Aria and I were in the car playing the guess the gender game. Aria has gotten very good at it! Sometimes we name people and Aria says whether they are boys or girls, and other times, we list people and she says whether they are princes or princesses (bc one day she called Chanson a princess, and I told her that Chanson was a prince, bc boys are princes). So, we'd start the statement and let Aria finish. We'd say "Mama is a...." and she'd say prince or princess. So, Mama is a princess, Emily is a princess, Zig is a prince, etc. Then we said "Daddy is a...." Aria says "prince" We said "Uncle Chris is a..." and she said "KING". Haha!
My mom and Aria were watching Sesame Street while I was cleaning today. During the Murray had a Little Lamb part (where you try to guess what kind of school they are going to go to that day) they said one of the clues was Zapato. My mom asks Aria what that means, and Aria says "shoe". Sure enough, it's the word Shoe in Spanish. Matthew says Aria officially knows more Spanish than he does ;-)
Ok I'll try not to be so wordy this is getting long already!
We met my mom for lunch last week. She works for a doctor, and so we met at the cafe in the hospital. As we were leaving, Aria saw several babies. She'd point them out each time. The last baby we saw was completely covered with a blanket (well, actually, a hooter hider... one of my favorite discoveries of all time). I am walking pretty fast and Aria is skipping along to keep up, and so I'm about 4 feet ahead of her, so in order for me to hear her (apparently) she had to yell very loudly "Mama! that baby (points) is eating the booby" and then repeats it several times. The woman who was nursing was laughing and said something about Aria being smart to know that (but Aria sees me with my HH nursing Chanson).
(so much for not being wordy)
She says elevator "allivator" (like alligator with a v instead of g).
She loves to go to Petco and see the kitties! She gets to pet their lil paws and play with them. If you haven't taken your kids to the pet store, you should try it. It's like the zoo for Aria - she loves it!
When Aria is eating slices of fruit (like apples or peaches) she eats the middle and then puts it up to her mouth bc it looks like a smiley face and says "look mama! Cheeeeeeeze"
We went to the aquarium with Jessica. I should write an entire post about that! It was so much fun! Aria's favorite animals were the tiny monkeys, the turtles (really? I know! What 2 yr old likes the turtles haha!), and her most favorite were the sting rays! When we went into the tunnel that is a glass aquarium with sharks swimming around, she got a little scared. She kept saying she was scared, but then didn't want to leave bc she really liked it too.
Aria likes to "fix" her hair. She takes her hands and pulls them through her hair. She starts right above her ears and fluffs her hair up all the way to the top of her head. It's hilarious bc when she is done, she is very serious and says "look Mama!" and she has a blonde fro. I HAVE to get a pic of it. She usually does it in the car, though, when she's looking in her mirror.
Things she says that I think is cute is "that's perfect!" or "that's a great idea!" She usually says this in response to things like "do you want to go to the park?" or "want to watch sesame street?" But, one day she woke up from sleep crying really really hard. So hard she couldn't talk, but she was trying to, and kept getting frustrated and crying harder. I felt so awful! So I said "baby don't talk! it's ok - we'll just go downstairs!" and she said, between sobs "perfect" (per-fick) awwww ;-(
She says "some more" like this "some moh". She just said it, so I thought I'd blog it ;-)
She's been doing way better on the potty! Last weekend she went on the potty 5 times! Since then she's gone almost every day at least once. I guess she is getting ready! YAY! I told her "great job going pee pee on the potty, Aria!". Her response... "I like candy" haha! Me too! Now Matt keeps eating her suckers, and when she asks for one, he says "I went on the potty, so I get a sucker." I guess it is true.
Aria likes to wear her big girl undies.... but prefers them on her head ;-) Although, she did take off her diaper, and go get and put on her undies (on her butt, that is) all by herself the other day!
I got my hair done last week (same day Emily came to babysit - she ended up coming with instead of staying home bc of the no-nap situation). We had a great time, actually - ended up being really fun! (The melt down happened after the hair appt!) Chanson kept laughing at Aria. He'd just look at her and start laughing really hard. Aria kept calling Stephanie (the hair stylist) Babe. "whatcha doing, babe?" Stephanie looked at her and asked "did she just call me babe??!" Yep... and she continued to refer to her that way. Hmm..
Well, Aria got her 1st job offer. We were at the tailor getting my jeans hemmed, and Aria was being her sweet self that day. She was well behaved and very polite. The lady there asked her if she wanted to have a job working in customer service. Yes, I've submitted her resume! My Great Gramma always told me she got her 1st job in a shoe making store when she was 4, so, hey, Aria can have a job at 2, right?
Instead of saying oh my gosh, Aria says "oh me gosh". I call her my lil' leprachaun.
The other day she was walking around chanting "big fat head" (click click click with her tongue) "big fat head" (click click click) I asked if she was saying big fat hen. She said no, head. Not sure where this came from!
Aria loves cashews (me too!). The 1st time I gave her one, she picked it up, put it to her ear, and started talking into it. I guess they do look like phones. She does that every time she eats them... cracks me up! She actually calls phones "telephones". I think it's funny that she's never actually ever talked on an actual telephone (only cell phones).
When Aria says something in the car, I sometimes can't hear her bc the music is on and AC is on high. When I turn off the AC, turn down the music, and ask her to repeat herself, she whispers what she just said. If I ask her to repeat herself again, and tell her I can't hear her, she repeats herself in an even softer whisper. Not sure why she does this...
At about this age, I think it's pretty normal for kids to use the word NO a lot. Aria has her own variation to the word NO. Instead, she says "that's OK". Example convo:
Mama - "Aria, will you please go pick up your toys?"
Aria - (head tilts, and nods) That's OK, that's OK
She says it like she means "no really, that's OK, you can do it, I don't mind".
She sometimes gets the responses "I am" "I do" "I did" mixed up. It is hard for me not to laugh when she does it, bc she says the response with so much emphasis (stress is always on 2nd word). For instance "Aria, are you going to have fun in Sunday School today?" Aria says "I did!" Mostly she mixes I did and I do, though.
Her hair.. oh my gosh I love her hair! I want to just bring her to the salon and tell them to make my hair like hers. Her hair has really filled in over the last few months (I don't need to spray her head with sunscreen anymore ;) Her ringlets are getting longer. She is starting to get Shirley Temple comments when we're out. She's got the curls, she loves to sing... now we just gotta get her tap dancing ;-) (Molly! Dance lessons!)
I have a 3 yr old student, and Aria loves to listen in on our lesson. Now, she asks to practice violin a lot. At least once a day. She takes her little (cracker jack and ruler) violin and holds it (perfectly, might I add ;) and her "bow" and makes sure she has a pointy pinky and pointy thumb, and plays her violin and sings twinkle twinkle little star. She also does little exercises that I give the students to do. She does a finger exercise, and bow exercises. She will take anything and make it a bow, and do up bows, and down bows, and stir the soup, and Mississippi Hotdog. Today, she took a straw wrapper and was using it as a bow. You can see a little video of her playing below. She is running away bc I am taping her... silly girl! She is standing on a wash cloth. She put it there bc with my 3 yr old student, I traced her feet in the correct standing position on a piece of cardboard, so that she could stand on it, and always have correct foot position. Aria improvised with the wash cloth. (none of the above has been prompted by me... not that I don't love it!) I've been waiting to actually teach her until she has a real violin (soon!)