Pictures above.... Aria & Chanson swinging together - they love doing this! Next one is Chanson eating chocolate pudding batter. I had him in the high chair to be a part of our pudding pie making, and he snuck the whisk. I didn't give it to him! AND a piece of his birthday cake. I have to get some good 1st birthday pics up soon!
Well, I figured I should blog bc it's been WAY too long since the last time! I don't document anything anywhere except here, so this is my entire baby log and baby book!
I haven't written any notes to remember what to put on here like I usually do, so I'm just gonna write what comes to mind!!
First of all... Chanson did turn 1! :-) He had taken a few steps here and there before his birthday, but he started officially walking on his birthday :-) Went from a few steps, to walking across the room - and he hasn't stopped since. On his 1st birthday, he weighed 20 lbs 6 oz and was 29.5 inches. Low percentile for weight (prob 10%) and 50% for height. Hmmm... think he's gonna be like his daddy?
Let's see... milestones... he has 8 teeth (FINALLY!) He just got the bottom right one this week, and hadn't gotten a tooth before that in probably 4 months or more!
He has said several words, but he doesn't ever say them all in a day. He will say a word a LOT for a week, and then not say it again for a few weeks, and then go back to it again. A list from the top of my head.... mama, dada (& daddy), papa, more (says this a lot), thank you, all done, dog, ziggy, ball, this & that & there (dis & dat & der). Hmmm.... that is all I can think of now. He does lots of signs. He has started catching on very quickly to signs. I'll show him once and he'll do it. He says more, food (and more food together), thank you, please, help, milk (barely ever anymore), and drink (does this one a lot too).
He's recently started to really comprehend a lot. I always talk to him, and tell him to do things (always have, just don't expect him to actually do it). Well, now he's starting to do it. I've been having a little fun with it.. haha! I'll tell him to do something I absolutely don't think he will do - like "hey Chanson, go sit on the potty". Sure enough, he walked in the bathroom and sat on potty. He'll put stuff away if you tell him to or if he drops it all over and you ask him to put it back. I told him to spin in a circle and he did, told him to dance, and he did. Next I'm gonna ask him to go get my purse and keys before we walk out the door. I'll let you know how that goes :-) ha!
He's sleeping WAY BETTER! I just tell him it's nighty night time, and I lay him in crib and walk away. You don't even know how happy this makes me! Monumental for my children! He sleeps all night and goes to bed early. NICE! Now we have to work on Aria haha! He was doing badly again the last few months, but then he got that tooth and he's been great ever since! Sweet sleep!!! Ahhhh!!
Hmmm what else. He's still cracking me up.... he tries to make me laugh all the time doing silly things. Then he'll look at me with this look that you know he's thinking ... is she laughing at me yet? He's so funny... you'd have to see it to get it, I guess. I hope he's funny like my brother. My brother is the funniest person I've ever know.
He's also still a climber. He can climb up that swingset no problem now. Very fast. He's a monkey!!!
OH speaking of monkeys... he was up to 4 animal sounds. Monkey, elephant, dog, and lion. Now, they all sound like a lion. If I even start the sentence "Chanson, what does a...." I don't even get to the animal, and he's roaring like a lion. Then he laughs. So, I guess he knows lots of animals..... Lion, Bear, Jaguar, Cheetah, Tiger.... :-)
He wears 12 month size pants and shirts, and size 4 shoes. More like 4.5. He's almost in a 5. Unbelievable to me!! But, I'm in complete denial that he is even 14 months old :-)